

I am so blessed!

My host family is wonderful.  They are so patient with me, and so delighted that I speak Castellano... (it´s castellano here, not spanish.  The people are Spanish, the language is Castellano o Valenziano.)  I´ve already learned so much, and I can hear myself beginning to adopt the accent.  The interesting thing is that my host mom is from Salvador, so my latino accent doesn´t bother her at all.  Not everyone is so accepting, however.  One vendor at the market spent a good deal of effort trying to fix the way I speak...  She was unsuccesful. 

Tonight is Spanish Church, and I can hardly wait.  I have met several of Francisca´s friends so I will know some people.  Tomorrow I begin teaching and I am so very nervous.  As God has calmed so many of my fears thus far, and proved them to be unfounded, I am certain that He will remain faithful to me in this situation as well.  Your prayers are appreciated.


  1. its clear that you are where you are supposed to be, twin. Blessings on your head...and on your nerves!
    Te amo.

  2. It is such a blessing to read your posts! I'd have to confess I long to be chatting with you face to face, each of us sipping a cup of Wild Berry Tea. :-) But I am nonetheless happy that you are where God wants you to be, doing exactly what he called you to do. Hugs!

  3. Yay! I'm so glad you've got a good place to stay! Look! I decided to write a blog, too! We're buddies now! ; )

  4. Praying for you daily, my friend. You are an amazing young lady and God is doing great things in you and through you. My best to you as you continue through the summer as He leads. Can't wait to hear/read/see photos of many grand adventures!
    ♥ Brenda
