
Follow the yellow brick road... all the way Home.

"There's no place like home!  There's no place like home!"

I've always loved this classic scene from the Wizard of Oz.  I can't tell you how many times in my travels to Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, Spain, and the Dominican Republic that I've wished for a magical pair of Ruby Slippers that could whisk me home to my mama and daddy.  Even when I first moved away from my parents' house and registered as a frosh at Bethel, I just couldn't call Bethel home.  I was sick during orientation and I missed a lot of the team-building, ice-breaker activities that characterized early Block sessions.  Because of this, when I finally joined my block for classes, I didn't know people and they had no idea who I was!

This was a very lonely time for me.  Instead of reaching out to make friends, I pulled back and hid myself in my room on 2nd floor Shupe with the door closed.  Choir was the only time I felt like I had any friends besides my roommate, and even these friendships were relatively shallow because I was playing shy.  Then I got involved with Theatre and my freshman experience was transformed.

The theatre department quickly took up all of my extra time, but I didn't mind because the shoe fit.  These crazy people welcomed me into the department even though I wasn't a theatre student; they were my Ruby Slippers.  Many of the "theatre kids" and profs were sure that I would soon change my major to theatre, but I never did.  My Spanish major is perfect for me, but the Dept. of Modern Languages was not a home for me.  I found the family and comfort that I needed when I was in FA 150.

So if you ever need to find me, between Chapel Band, Choir, and Theatre, the Fine Arts building is a good place to start looking.  I wear my Ruby Slippers even more now than I did freshman year.  They are the little slice of home that I need to survive.  Just watch out for your Dept. home- it will get all of you that you can spare!  I'm no longer just an Actress/singer.  I'm a designer, house manager, and honorary member of the Theatre Department.

But you know what they say- if the shoe fits, wear it!